Nick Young, you got Fucked by the NBA hard, you deserve to be in the dunk contest fo' sho' The Dunks you threw down in todays BEATING of the mavericks were NASTY i just don't think whoever chooses the dunkers has been watching you at all this season because you have had some really nice throw downs my man.. Fuck David Stern and Fuck whoever chooses the dunkers for All-Star weekend, because they definitely F'd you and you deserve to go out there and show the world what you could do, and most importantly bring a dunk title back to the D.M.V (D.C, Maryland, Virginia) area. I just don't think the NBA is ready for you, give them time, they will come around, and next season all eyes will be on you Nicky Hatten and you will bring home the dunk title and show the world that you truly are the illest dunker in the NBA... but as for now, just keep doing what you does, and remember, like my man Leon says "leave the door open..let 'em know you were there"
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