Anyways back to the real shiz, we need a big possession receiver (like Randy Moss or Ocho Cinco) and I hope Dan Snyder offers more money than anyone else to both of those names. We need Randy!!!!! Dont let the broke back cowboys get him, this offseason we should steal everyone from dallas by offering them 1 dollar more than those fuckers are offering. We could also use a sick DE, maybe like "the freak" Jevon Kearse, I know he is a lil washed up but who knows maybe he will find his 2nd wind. The jads also released Stroud, we could use him... shit we could use 'em all!!!! Lets get em!!! I know Dan Snyder has the gouda to throw around just "show them the money"
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Its free agency time...
So its 12:15 right now and its officially NFL free agency time. I can hear it now.... the engines of Dan Snyders g4 flying over my house in route to New England, Chicago, and god knows where else. We need Randy Moss, and Lance Briggs would be nice.. He can crash his lambo on 495 and walk away claiming he didnt know what to do aka avoiding a DUI, whatever he got away with it and thats ballsy.
For the record....
Uh so I woke up this morning to reports that the Washington Post is reporting that the skins are interested in Randy Moss, D.J Hackett, and Ocho Cinco....UH WHAY TO BE LATE ON YOUR SHIT!!!!!
For the record, the daily dagger reported that news YESTERDAY.... so for your latest coverage on everything that is sports stick to the Daily Dagger.... Thanks
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Skins news
So a team source told the Post today that they are still interested in trading for Ocho Cinco if he becomes available. And the same source told the Post that the team is going to go after Randy Moss and D.J Hackett!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS.... I LIKE IT!!!! We need a big possession receiver and uh I think that all 3 of these names are just that.... PLEASE DAN SNYDER sign these mo' fo's!!!!! ALL 3 OF THEM!!!! we need them all in order to dagger the world champion G-men and the broke-back cowgirls.... Just up the chicken tenders to like 12.00 and the beers to 10.00 and you will make more than enough $$$$$ to pay all of them... COME ON DAN MAKE THIS WORK
Best news I've heard in a while
It's unfortunate and all, I mean he does have a family and kids, but THANK GOD. ESPN has officially let go of Sean Salsbury. I hated him. He was so obnoxious and USC bias ('cuz he went and played there). But I am really happy to hear that I wont have to hear his voice anymore. Sean will be replaced by Chris Carter, who I like, and was a better football player anyways... So thats good. I mean I think ESPN had to let him go, earlier this year he went on a bender or something he appeared on TV for like 5 days in a row without shaving. Maybe you could get away with this in the non-HD days but now a days you got to be clean shaven and look good when you show up to work, and Chris Carter will do this. Salsbury seriously looked like a disheveled drunk!!!!!
WAY TO GO ESPN.... now all you have to do is get rid of Stephen A. Smith and the whole world will love you!!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
The biggest G in DC...
The biggest G in DC may be a national, his name...Elijah Dukes. His arrest record is like 10 times longer than his career stats, BALLIN' He's been arrested 6 times since 1998 on charges including possession of marijuana, assault, and resisting arrest...BALLIN' Oh and his wife filed a restraining order after he "threatened to kill her" And a 17yr old foster girl who lives with a relative of his accused him of impregnating her, and when she confronted him to tell him he got pissed and threw a bottle of gatorade at her!! What a waste of gatorade... Anyways this man is a G.. I love it... And he is a golfer, there's a video of him at the driving range on dcsportsbog and he is pretty funny... He addresses the camera and says "America" hahaha sorry Elijah but America doesnt read dcsportsbog, I wish they did though... Hahah
Anyways DeShawn Stevenson and Andre Blatche now have a lil competition for the biggest G in the D.M.V... I still think DeShawn takes the cake... love him, but he makes his boys hold the weed, he ain't retarded...
Anytime you hear Steve Buckhantz drop that word/phrase, you know good things are happening... I just heard it and I felt obligated to write about how glorious of a saying it truly is... DeShawn really can't feel his face!!!!! He dropped a career high 33 points tonight and hit the greatest dagger of the season tonight. With time running down he ran the length of the court after Hilton Armstrong tied the game at 92-92, after dumb ass Antawn Jamison committed a lane violation to give him a third attempt (which he made) after he missed his original 2 foul shots. Anyways, DeShawn was like "get mine" and he stepped up big when we needed him too. Thanks DeShawn I'm so glad you cannot feel your face..
By the way I was just watching ESPN and obviously DeShawn got #1 on tonight's top 10...and Steve Buckhantz got the "call of the day" for DAAAAGGGGERRR!!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Jim Zorn loves C Po
In a press conference today Jim Zorn was talking about how excited he is to implement his west coast offense, which uses a lot of short passes and definitely uses the RB a lot!!!! And when asked about it, Zorn said he is really excited to have Clinton Portis in his backfield and thinks that the new offense will go hand in hand with Clintons amazing catching abilities and will exploit his talents.
Wow...I knew I loved Zorn..hahahah Anyone that loves CP as much he claims to is good in my book. And I hope he is right, I'm very excited to see C.P. spray paint his name in dat ass, and do what he does. hopefully we will be seeing a lot of cart wheels in the end zone next season by the man we all call "C.P"
He also said that he has no doubt the "black jesus" Jason Campbell will be our main man at QB next season. And lets not lie, who throws a prettier ball than Jason?? haha no one!!!! I can see it now, Campbell drops back, hits portis on a short route and off to the races!!!!! TOUCHDOWN!!!! Redskins fight song playing in the background, oh wow sounds glorious doesn't it??? Lets just hope it happens, a lot, next year....
I hate Stephen A. Smith
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate his voice, I hate his demeanor, I hate everything about him. ESPN should fire his dumb ass... He may say some shit that is legit, but for the most part he sucks, and so does his opinion about anything having to do with the NBA.
But on the other hand, I love Bill Walton!!! I agree he is not always right, like when he said before todays Suns/Pistons game that the Pistons sucked, but he is a great guy. And I love the way he talks.... I think the thing I like the best about Bill is that he also hates Stephen A. Smith.... So keep doing what you do Bill (making retarded comments) and definitely keep telling Stephen A. to shut his fucking face!!
Darren McFadden

Okay so like I said earlier...I read that his stock was dropping quite fast, but then I watched the combine today with my little brother and he ran a 4.27 40 yd dash!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!?!? Do you hear that??? Thats is the sound of his Uhhhh stock rising!!!!! He pretty much guaranteed that he will be a top 10 if not top 5 pick... thats insanely fast... So I would like to say I no longer now what the deal is with his stock, but in my opinion, he is still a top 10 pick. Hand down, bar none, the illest RB in the draft.
The only question is his character... He did beat the shit out of a bouncer after the season ended this year, but he probably deserved it...
How can't you love a man with such sick taste, especially when it comes to cars and rims????
I think any team that passes on him and needs a RB is a fool, especially after what we saw Adrian Peterson do this year as a rookie. Darren McFadden is going to be the truth. Lets just all hope that the Dallas Cowbitches don't trade up for him. We all know how big of a man crush their Owner Jerry Jones has on McFadden, they both went to arkansas, and you know how those honkies are...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Some NFL Combine shit I've been hearing
-Since the Falcons won the coin toss for the 3rd pick in the draft, it's looking more and more likely that they will be taking Boston College QB Matt Ryan (I can hear Devin screaming about this as I type it out....) I hope Ryan ate his Flutie Flakes, he's going to need it down in the Dirty South
-Darren McFaddens stock is dropping, plummeting if you will. So bad in fact that many people at the combine believe that he won't be a top 10 pick. I can't believe this, I think he would have to show up at the combine with 1 leg or no legs in order for this to happen. I love McFadden and I think that any team that needs a RB could use him. But I guess the success of all these 2nd round RB's as of late has really made people think twice about wasting high picks on RB's...Sorry Darren
-LSU DT Glenn Dorsey is not going to be at the combine, due to a death in the family. So the LSU pro day is going to be very, very important. And the Raiders are praying that he will still be around when the 4th pick in the draft comes up.
-No rookie should sign with Drew Rosenhaus, I guess front office people are saying that is reason in itself not to get drafted by certain teams, they refuse to deal with Rosenhaus....
-The falcons look like they are real close to making a deal with the Giants for their 1st round pick, and in return they will give them CB DeAngelo Hall, so that D just got a little out NFC East
-Colt Brennan is helping his stock by bulking up.... he weighed in 26 lbs heavier than he did at the Senior Bowl. I guess he's been eating everything in sight and hitting the weights..Or he got that Barry Bonds thing going... I mean he is from Cali.... BALCO??? Maybe he accidently sat on a needle, that just so happened to have HGH or some steroids in it... what a clumsy move...
-Another QB Joe Flacco is creating quite the buzzzzz at the combine, and people are falling in love with him. The QB played ball at delaware, oh those fighting blue hens, they produce some great QB's in Delaware.... NOT. But all jokes aside looks like this kid is the talk of the combine, so good for him, thats a good story, a kid from Delaware stealing the spot light from all those QB's from big name D1 schools... lets see if they like him enough to draft him above those other guys..
The "Big Cactus"
So as you all know, Shaq got traded to Phoenix. He is now a member of the "run and gun" Suns team, who doesn't run set plays and just balls on fools. I like to watch 'em play but they literally don't run any plays!!! Just pick and rolls all day... When Shawn Marion got traded to the Miami Heat coach Pat Riley went up to welcome him and asked him "what were some of your favorite plays in Phoenix? So we can put em in our playbook for you" and Marion answered him "We didn't run any plays, we just pick and roll" HAHAHA Mike D'Antoni is a great coach!!! (sarcasm) He just gets the sickest ballers and lets them play. He allows the lesbian look-alike Steve Nash to run the show and feed "the rock" to all the nasty ass players they have out on the floor.
Tonight while watching the game against the Celtics, I realized I love the Suns team, except for Nash, I don't know why... I just do. He is fun to watch and he is really good, I just hate him, and refuse to admit how good he really is.
But anyways, back to the point, Shaq. I don't know how he is going to fit in on this team. While he was in the game he looked out of place, they were all just too fast for him, they looked to be like 4 steps ahead of him. And when they tried to get him the ball it looked really forced and they caused an excessive amount of turnovers trying to get him the ball. I mean I LOVE Shaq, and I hope he does really well, but after watching this game I just don't know. Anyways good luck Shaq aka the "Big Cactus" do what you does lil daddy...
Update on Why I hate Lebron
1. He always beats the wizards
2. He bitches about EVERY call, regardless of the outcome or even if he is not involved
3. He gets every call (at least 4 tonight against the wizards) and when he is on D they NEVER call a foul
4. He cries
5. He always beats the wizards
6. He gets a steal right before the trade deadline and picks up solid players and when asked about it, he bitches and says "thats not what I wanted, you know what I wanted" (referring to Mike Bibby or Jason Kidd)
7. He is from Ohio, so he's a Honky
8. He's better at basketball than I am
9. He is a spoiled bitch
10. His closet is larger (square footage wise) than the average house in the state of Ohio.
11. He illegally got a Hummer in High School
12. He sucks in the NBA finals, averaging 6 turnovers a game, and like 19 points
13. He doesn't allow others to be in the spotlight (when his teammate won MVP of the Rookie/Sophomore game, he ran over mid-interview and interrupted)
14. He may be gay
15. He always beats the Wiz Kids
16. The NBA, refs, David Stern, and announcers SWEAT his nut sack...
But as much as I hate to say it.... I love "The Lebrons" thats commercial is hilarious
NBA Craziness
Yesterday was the craziest day in recent NBA history... people were getting moved around like whoa... 1st the Ben Wallace trade to the Cavs who also got DeLonte West, Wally "Dont be" Scurdbiack, Joe Smith, and a pick. They lost Larry Hughes (who they have been trying to Dish out anyways), Drew Gooden (Who has the worst facial hair/hair in the WORLD) Donyell Marshall, and god knows what else... I totally think they got away with a huge steal!!! And rumor has it they were real close to getting Chris Duhon involved in that trade.
Gerald Green got shipped off to houston, basically cuz he hated it in Minnesota, I guess theres just too many honkies up there for him to get his "swag" on.
Juan Dixon got shipped to the Pistons...congrats you may get a ring now...
Kurt Thomas to the Spurs, for Brent Barry and some other cat who no one cares about...
Mike Bibby to the Hawks... who on paper now look like a legit basketball team...
Thats a lot of trade action going down, I mean I guess its understandable, right before the trade deadline and all but still.... WHOA David Stern was probably like WTF
Sunday, February 17, 2008
All Star Game
The game started out like most do, SLOPPY... But this time it ended really nice, in a close game and the players really balled out.. The dunks were ridiculous and my boy "Superman" aka Dwight Howard really threw down some nasty ass dunks..
I'm so pissed LeBron won the MVP!!!! I personally think it should have been Ray Allen, the man with the prettiest jumper in the NBA. I just hate how anything LeBron does is like the greatest thing ever. I'm not taking anything away from him, he is without a doubt a BEAST on the floor but I mean come on ESPN and TNT get off his nuts... for real... LeBron is like the NBA golden child, at one point today during the game, LeBron shot a fade away jumper (a pretty common shot...happens all the time) Doug Collins went on a rant for like 10 minutes about how that was a phenomenal shot and all this other bull shit... I just don't get it... I think if LeBron had diarrhea that could possibly make it on sports center and it would be like the biggest deal ever.. FUCK LEBRON... I mean he is a great player but FUCK give us a break... and the MVP was Ray Allen aka "Jesus Shuttlesworth" for the record..
Another reason I hate LeBron is 'cuz he is always trying to be like the main attraction he craves the attention.. When Daniel Gibson (a bench player on the Cavs) won the MVP of the Rookie/Sophmore game in his post game interview LeBron HAD TO run over and interrupt and give his 2 cents... REALLY?!?! Let the man get his face time LeBron, it was his time to shine and you HAD TO come show your ugly ass face... anyways that's that F LeBron
How I lost my mind in "the city"
It began with a debate for the ages at the liquor store... Vodka? Jack? What should we get?? Somehow we walked out with a bottle of Sake and a 6 pack of of MIller Lite. Then Mike and I teamed up and drank the whole thing before we left to go to the bar...
When we got to the bar, shit only got worse.... Hookah, Booze, and more booze... We were taking shots of patron (chilled of course) and drinking bottles of Bud Lite and pounding Mind erasers... 183 dollar later we were hammered!!!! We then left the bar/lounge and I thought it would be a great idea to go to a strip club... NEVER A GOOD IDEA..
When we got to this strip club I thought it would be a good idea to get a bottle of bubbly (not a good idea) to compliment the sliders, fries, and wings the other guys ordered...oh and more shots of patron... I then fell in love with a stripper who did not know english and was from Venezuela... she was a 10... anywho I then started getting lap dances from her and to sum it up I was told by the bouncer to stop touching 'cuz I wasn't allowed to touch her... any how the bouncer came over, told me to quit it then turned his back, literally the moment he turned his back I proceeded to "motor boat" this stripper... the bouncer must have had eyes in the back of his head, cuz he somehow saw this and told me I HAD TO STOP or I would be escorted out (probably would have been for the best, at this point) I then went ahead and got more shots of tequila and more lap dances from my latin lover..hahahahah
Anyhow moral of the story NEVER DO THIS... I'm now 600 dollars poorer but hey..... What can you do????
correct answer would be get a JOB!!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Holy shit!!! WOW... Sayid is nuts!!!
Okay, sorry about that, just needed to vent. But I just got done watching this weeks LOST episode and wow! Okay shit on the island is getting crazy.. Ben is now boys with Sayid?? Kate is staying with sawyer and "playing house" (well for now 'cuz we know she is part of the "Oceanic 6"). And Sayid is rolling around europe killing people on a "list." WOW. And who was that girl and her boss? The "economist"?? I'm an economist (or so says my degree) I hope I'm not on Sayid's list!!! haha
After discussing this with my boy Casey, him and I think the Asian guy who came on the chopper is definitely the son of the guy on the Dharma Initiative videos.. makes sense... he wants to find Ben, the guy who killed off the entire Dharma Initiative.. kinda makes sense. i would wanna do the same...
The shopper people are sketchy by the way, they don't wanna go home, they wanna stay on the island and "do their job" I think shit is going to get nuts on the island. And may get even crazier on the freighter where Desmond and Sayid are heading with grizzly adams, or whatever his name is... I have a feeling that shit is going to go bad on that ship and Sayid will somehow escape it and return to the island, where he will then realize that Ben was correct, and will become allies with the man he once hated.
I also think that Sayid is rolling around killing people on the "list" because they are the ones who sent the team to the island on the chopper originally to kill off all of the people... 'cuz if you remember at the end he was like "well you have to do this to protect your friends" and we know that some people want to stay on the island, and probably will.
Anyway, after another AMAZING episode of LOST I find myself thinking the same thing I do after every week. "Why can't I fast forward life one week, so I can watch another episode of LOST??"
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Shame on you Brady Quinn
According to reports Cleveland Browns Quarterback Brady Quinn had the police called on him by an accuser who said that Quinn was yelling slurs at some Gay people. Now no one knows exactly what was said, but according to the police, Quinn was involved in an argument when they arrived on the scene.
Way to go Brady, your a well known person in the public eye..what are you thinking?? Yelling out homophobic SLURS to some gay people..You're better than that. This made me think, who would win in the fight??? Brady Quinn or the gay guy he yelled shit at?? I would be willing to put some money on the guy he was yelling shit at, Quinn has no "chin" (in boxing terms) one good slap across the face and he would be out for the count!!! He's a pretty boy, and he sucks at QB... So Brady, do us all a favir and shut up, and learn to throw a better ball, and maybe one day you will be the QB you were intended to be, and that is the next big thing.
Why I love the Wizards...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
More pics from The Daily Dagger Annual Reception
And a lil more...
Barack Obama
Here I am with my man... Barack Obama, who spray painted his name all over The Daily Dagger's Annual Reception last year.... haha (or did he?)

I would just like to let it be known that "The Daily Dagger" and all it's employees are officially PRO Barack Obama. F Hillary "Hill Dog" Clinton.
I've discussed this with my boys and I'm a "Obamacan" a republican that is voting for my man... Barack Obama.
I dont know what makes me like Barack more... the stance he takes on issues, or the fact that Leon in curb says arguably the GREATEST quote ever and it includes Barack Obama.... here it is "Black Man doing his thing baby!! Barack Obama Mutha' Fucka'!!! Barack Obama!!! I'm the president... I'm hitting that ass!!!!"
P.S I'm reading his book "The Audacity of Hope".... and its legit
Devean George DAGGER
So I'm sure when Devean George heard about the trade of half his team (including himself) to the New Jersey Nets (a non-championship contender) he was really pissed. But fortunately, for him at least, he has a clause in his contract that he can block any trade including him....and thats exactly what he has done.
I'm sure he was chilling in his Dallas mansion, where its probably like 65 degrees and with nice weather and was like "Fuck, why do I wanna move to Jersey? and play on a shitty team? I don't Fuck this shit...." so he called his agent and was like "Yo, block the trade, I'm staying here.... if they wanna win a championship I wanna be here for it... I wanna pop bottles like I won a championship ring!!!!"
Way to look out for your career Devean.... but i think you officially DAGGERED J Kidd!!!!
J Kidd Trade
This trade really boggles my mind... I just don't understand it. I mean I understand "chasing the ring" and I know Dallas really wants a championship but they traded like their whole team, future 1st rounders, and cash. Devin Harris, Jerry Stackhouse, DeSagana Diop, Devean George, Maurice Ager, 2 first round draft pics, and 3 million in cash...all for Jason Kidd and Malik Allen???
Maybe I'm retarded but I don't understand it. I understand J Kidd was unhappy in New Jersey (who wouldn't be...its the "armpit" of the United States) but why would the Mavs trade their future PG who they are going to have for 10 more years for a PG they may only have for 2 more seasons... I hope they win a championship soon, cuz J Kidd is getting old.
I understand that J Kidd is arguably the 3rd best PG in the NBA but I think this trade was a little too much for the man. And didn't Mark Cuban come out and say earlier this week that the trade wasn't going down?? He said the finances just wouldn't work out!!! I guess he made it happen by trading HALF HIS BENCH and some starters... but I guess it's not that bad 'cuz they will get stackhouse back 'cuz the Nets are not going to sign him because they are so far over the salary cap, so he may be back in a mavs jersey sooner than you think....
Shit happens when you party...or should I say Pee
There used to be a HILARIOUS picture in this spot, but due to a specific someone it had to be taken down. I guess people cannot take a joke and failed to realize that right underneath the picture it clearly stated.... THIS PICTURE IS FAKE AND WAS PHOTO SHOPPED... but anyway I hope all the readers of the Daily Dagger are happy now... and by the way if your reading this you know who you are... you Daggered the Dagger!!!
Before taking down the picture I did some field analysis from my loyal readers to see what they felt was right and what was wrong. One loyal fan, who has been there from day one told me "I have no sandals, no work shoes, no rug, no sympathy" another devoted reader who may or may not work in our Photo Department went on to call me a "vagina" for even thinking about taking it down (by the way he started his own blog, and the link is located in the "comments" section of this posting). So basically I was torn wether to cater to one mans requests and take it down or listen to a couple wise young men and leave it up... We all can clearly see who won.. The HATE MAIL/TEXTS/IM's just got to be a lil too much (they started at 745 am)...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Why White Guys Should NOT Dance

Now I am not hating on just my friend, this goes out to all you white males out there, just don't try it. I myself am guilty of trying to dance and being horrible at it... This weekend while in chicago I was BLACKED OUT at a club called "climax" and supposedly in my state of severe inebriation all I did was stand up on the table we had and do the sprinkler...why you might ask??? Cuz thats all I got!!!!! Guess I gotta watch more dancing with the stars or some other bullshit like that on T.V. but for now I will just stand in the corner and nod my head to the music, maybe get a lil hip action in there...who knows.... well thats until my fifth crown and ginger ale when I suddenly turn into a dancing master!!!!!
Once again I would like thank the photo department for their hard work...
Should we have an intervention?????
This post is not sports related.... I would also like to take a minute to give a special shout out and thank you to the Photo Department at The Daily Dagger for their hard work and time put in to find, edit, and make these images what they are. Without them this post would be nothing...

A DD reader, who we will call "the Grizz" for anonymity, who I know has a serious problem, he eats ALL canned goods at room temperature!!!!! (Yes, I know its grimy) Does he have no time to cook these microwavable delights???? It's like he must eat them instantly regardless of temperature. Its almost as if he has a fear that people will eat it while in the microwave heating up... He doesnt care about the meat inside 'cuz like he says "its all precooked anyways"
I have seen this man eat Chef Boyardee, Spaghetios, Canned Soup, and other canned deliciousness straight out of a can with just a disposable plastic fork. His excuse being that he doesn't have to do to dishes if he eats it straight out of the can, and with a disposable fork.
His roommate (a devoted DD reader as well and who has been known to create "golden showers" ) and I often find ourselves sitting there pissing our pants laughing while this grizzly grubber DEVOURS these canned goods similar to a bear that has found items in someone's picnic basket.
Anyways the reason for this post is I need to know whether we should sit this man down and have an intervention about his eating habits.
When he told my mom about this she was astonished and did not know how to react. She even offered to have him over for dinner every night so that he would not have to eat things out of a can COLD... So barbaric (says snyder)... And earlier today while with my mom, we walked by a "Booeymongers" and I told her "the grizz" says its amazing...Her response was priceless and made me pee myself, not really but very close... she responded "Wait doesnt he eat things out of a can, cold?? I don't think we can take his food advice seriously" HAHAHA
P.S I have heard rumors that he has been known to "shotgun" campbells chunky chicken noodle soups, literally opening them and chugging them in one fluid motion.....
GAYvis Vasquez

I would like to apologize in advance.... I just really hate Greivis Vasquez...
Greivis Vasquez is sooooo brokeback!!!!!!! Sweet Flavor Saver BRA' ....who the hell do you think you are?? And why does it always look like you have blush on your face?!?!?! please explain...
And whats with the hair?? Did you just get a new haircut??? Did all your boys just get the same haircut??? Are you going to grind on every piece of puss that walks through that door...or I mean Ass.. 'cuz your brokeback...
You suck at basketball.. and you ruin chances your team has to beat Duke, etc. etc.
Anyways for all you terp fans if you wanna chill with this Ass-clown you can find him at the noodles and company in College Park (i hear he is there ALL the time), flirting with dudes and drinking a skim latte.
P.S. my boy has just agreed with me about how we once liked to see UMD do well, but the fans and current players have turned us away from the "terp nation."
Oh and the yellow is soooo brokeback!!!! Your not the skins stop trying to steal their mojo... your the Fucking University of Maryland TERRAPINS... a brokeback turtle that goes by "testuto"... sounds like the name of an Italian barista that works at starbucks a.k.a Brokeback!!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
February 2nd= National Washington Redskins Day
I think we should now officially declare February 2nd "Washington Redskins Day" what do you think? Sounds good doesn't it?? That was the day the NFL officially announced that former Washington Redskins greats Darrell Green and Art Monk would be initiated into the most elite fraternity of the N.F.L... The Hall of Fame.
I'm very happy for the two former skins and no one deserved it more... I think we should plan a trip to Canton, Ohio and tailgate (FedEx Style) and listen to the greatest speeches ever. I MapQuest'd it and its only 5 hours from the D.M.V area... Not too crazy of a drive... Anybody with me??? If So, let me know....
Welcome Jim Zorn
I was in chi-town this weekend, and I was suddenly bombarded with texts from my friends and my 2 younger brothers and they all had the same thing to say "skins hired a new coach...Jim Zorn" I'm not going to lie, I was dumbfounded, confused, and stunned. But after letting it sink in I think it might be a good thing, or at least better than Jim Fassel. But after hearing a little bit of Zorn's introduction speech, I'm optimistic and I think he may bring a much needed fire and spark back to the coaching staff.
For the record, I would like to state that no one would have been a better fit than Gregg Williams.... but I guess there was clearly something wrong in that whole situation because from what I have read/heard he never really wanted the job and Snyder never really wanted to offer it to him..
Anyways back to Zorn, I like what he had to say and I hope our players "are willing to punish themselves" and "do what it takes to win games in the National Football League" just like how Zorn himself said it.
Zorn did good things in Seattle, I mean he managed to turn Matt Hasselbeck into an All-Pro Quarterback so just imagine what he is going to do with "Black Jesus" a.k.a Jason Campbell (the sexiest QB in the NFL.... no homo) The Possibilities are endless... Go Skins!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
A not so little slice of heaven

In Adams Morgan, a place with an eclectic mix of bars, lounges and clubs in the Nations Capital, there is a place called "Jumbo Slice" a place with the DANKEST drunk food in the world. A slice of pizza there is literally the size of 3 paper plates and is delicious. On any given thursday, friday or saturday night you can find a shit load of hammered people waiting in line for these slices of deliciousness.. I'm not gonna lie, I've been known to be one of those people.. Its almost mandatoy to get Jumbo Slice on your way home from A-Mo..
A little Tid bit of Information

Goodell is a cheater..
Roger Goodell is a cheater!!! He was in on this whole spygate thing, and when it became public, he tried to get rid of the evidence... literally!!! He destroyed the tapes that the patriots used to prepare for the jets... Uhhhh I'm not a lawyer, nor do I claim to be but if you ruined evidence in a court of law wouldnt you be effed?? Im pretty sure you would be f'd in one way or another.. Why would you do this Goodell?? Are you a patriots fan? Did you not wanna see them get in trouble?? I just don't understand it!!! WHY WOULD YOU RUIN THE TAPES!!! What the hell were you thinking??? I hope you get f'd by Arlen Spector when you meet with him on tuesday... I just think that something sketchy is going on here.. maybe i'm wrong, but I really don't think I am..
And as for this whole spygate thing, I know they filmed the Rams walk through and I'm sure they knew what the eagles were calling in that Super Bowl as well. I dont care how good of a coach you are or how well you prepare, you will never guess correctly every time, and somehow the patriots did?!?!?! The eagles claim that every time they called a blitz the patriots were miraculously running a screen (the best play to run against a blitz) now I would believe maybe a 75% correct guess but EVERY TIME...thats sketchy, Bellichick is not THAT good..
P.S. I;m glad that this super bowl was the most watched Super Bowl of all time, that means millions of people saw how big of a bag of dousche Bill Bellichick really is.. And its always nice to see Tom Brady cry as well.... And as much as I hate to say it, see Eli and the G-Men "spray paint their name in that ass" and "bring the ruckus"
OHH and Tom Brady... you only scored 14 points!!!! So next time, when Plex says your gonna score 17 dont laugh it off... 'cuz 17 would have put you in OT and a chance to win... YOU COCKY FUCK!!!

First of all, congrats to the G-Men.. you guys played one hell of a game. And as sad as it is to say I think I am an Eli Manning fan, or at least until next season when the 'skins have to play him again. That play on 3rd down where he avoided EVERY player on the patriots D line may have been the best play in super bowl history. In my opinion this game was without a doubt the best Super Bowl I have ever seen (other than the one's the skins won... haha) but in all seriousness WOW what a game?!?!? David Tyree proved to be a legit NFL wide receiver and made one of the sickest catches of the year.
But now for what I really want to talk about... FUCK Bill Belichick!!!! You class-less dousche!!! There is one play left in the game and you decide to blow off the Ref telling you the game is not over and you push him out of your way, go give Tom Coughlin a fake congratulations then don't even stay on the field to finish the game??? You have no class!!!! You lose once all year and you can't even do it with some sort of class??? I guess not because you don't even win with class!!! What kind of a message does that send to your team?? "Ok guys, Its okay to quit, we lost"??? The NFL should fine him for being so disrespectful and disrespecting the game itself. Not only was that a slap in the face to the Giants but it was a slap in the face to the game of football. As a coach you stay on the field with your team until the game is over, thats just how it works.. Not until you realize there is no way for you or your team to win. Then post game he would not even answer one question legitimately...FUCK YOU BELICHICK!!! I'm so happy you had that look of death on your face when you lost... I would have hated to see your punk ass celebrating a perfect season.. I'm also very happy Rodney Harrison didn't get another ring (he is an arrogant D-bag) and its always nice to see Tom Brady rattled. But I am sorry for Randy Moss, your chase for the ring continues my friend...
What Happened?? Did you not get enough spy video of the Giants walk through or practices??? You cheaters!!!! I hope your legacy is ruined by this spygate fiasco...I hope all your rings get taken away... I hope you lose your job, and I hope we all remember you not for what you did on the field, but for what you did off the field with you video camera... Go Arlen Spector!!!! Catch these fucking cheaters!!!
Anyways '72 Dolphins, no reason to worry your still the only undefeated team... so you dont have to worry about asterisks or anything like that... because like Antonio Pierce said "we are going to trademark this...18-1...Giants are Super Bowl Champions"
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Arizona did what we do and spray painted our names all over L.A and those brokeback USC Trojans... Thanks to a great game by Chase Budinger, who I am convinced is a fill in on the HBO show "Rome." He looks like an old Roman child, I could easily see him walking around in jesus sandals and a toga..couldn't you??? Anyways he played amazing, he ended up with 29 points and 8 boards (he made it rain) was dropping 3's like it was his job!!! We played pretty well and shat on that F'ing aggot O.J Mayo!!!..isnt he supposed to be suspended?? He broke NCAA rules by accepting Camelo's tickets to the laker game!!! I guess when you go to USC you can break any rule you want with little or no repercussion. J-Skrilla gave us a good effort and finished with 7 points and 10 boards, but what surprised me was that Jerryd Bayless only had 10 points..whatever he was saving himself for national television and the bruins... So everyone watch tonight when we dagger the bruins
F Kevin Love
F the ugliest human being alive Matta
F Los Angeles
F all the "bra bra's" who go to/like UCLA
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