Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Shit happens when you party...or should I say Pee

There used to be a HILARIOUS picture in this spot, but due to a specific someone it had to be taken down. I guess people cannot take a joke and failed to realize that right underneath the picture it clearly stated.... THIS PICTURE IS FAKE AND WAS PHOTO SHOPPED... but anyway I hope all the readers of the Daily Dagger are happy now... and by the way if your reading this you know who you are... you Daggered the Dagger!!!

Before taking down the picture I did some field analysis from my loyal readers to see what they felt was right and what was wrong. One loyal fan, who has been there from day one told me "I have no sandals, no work shoes, no rug, no sympathy" another devoted reader who may or may not work in our Photo Department went on to call me a "vagina" for even thinking about taking it down (by the way he started his own blog, and the link is located in the "comments" section of this posting). So basically I was torn wether to cater to one mans requests and take it down or listen to a couple wise young men and leave it up... We all can clearly see who won.. The HATE MAIL/TEXTS/IM's just got to be a lil too much (they started at 745 am)...

1 comment:

David Snyder said...